What is the Bispectrum?
The density field of the Universe, meaning the distribution of dark matter and baryonic matter, can be expressed as the density at point x relative to the mean density of the Universe\[
\delta(\vec{x}) = \frac{n(\vec{x})}{\overline{n}} - 1,
\]which is also known as the overdensity field. This density field is an important cosmological probe since e.g. a different amount of dark energy would change the density field. So we can use the density field to study dark energy.
Beside dark energy, the density field also contains information about dark matter, the neutrino masses and the inflationary period of the Universe. We can also use it to test general relativity or modified gravity theories.
If the distribution of $\delta(\vec{x})$ at different positions $\vec{x}$ follows a Gaussian distribution, all information contained in it can be captured by the 2-point function, which in configuration-space is called the correlation function, $\xi(r)$, and in Fourier-space is called the power spectrum, $P(k)$. The 2-point function is the ensemble average of correlations between all possible pairs within the density field.
\xi(\vec{r}) &= \langle \delta(\vec{x} + \vec{r})\delta(\vec{x})\rangle\\
P(\vec{k}) &= \langle \delta(\vec{k})^2\rangle,
\end{align}where $\delta(\vec{k})$ is the Fourier transform of the density field $\delta(\vec{x})$.
It turns out that the density field of the Universe is close to a Gaussian field on large scales, but on smaller scales ($\sim 10 Mpc$) it has non-Gaussian properties. To capture all information in a density field which does not behave like a Gaussian random field, we need to use all possible n-point functions, not just the 2-point function.
Including the 3-point correlation, which in Fourier-space is called the bispectrum, will increase the signal-to-noise ratio, and improve cosmological parameter constraints. Figure 1 shows how much information the bispectrum can add as a function of the smallest scale included ($k_{\rm max}$).
B_{123} = \langle \delta(\vec{k}_1)\delta(\vec{k}_2)\delta(\vec{k}_3)\rangle.
\]This, however, is a 9-dimensional quantity, which is very difficult to analyze. The question is, how can we compress the information contained in this quantity into some lower dimensional space without losing information?
First, we have to figure out how many parameters does one need to describe this three-point configuration?
The bispectrum essentially identifies all triangle configurations in the density field and averages them. Any triangle can be described by 3 parameters. However, with galaxy surveys, we are also interested in the orientation of the triangle with respect to the line-of-sight, which then requires 2 additional parameters, so 5 in total. Just as a comparison, in the power spectrum, this can be done with only 2 parameters, the amplitude $k$ and the angle to the line-of-sight $\mu$.
Other estimators
One important aspect of the bispectrum is its computational complexity. Since one needs to identify all possible triangles in the density field, the complexity of such a procedure is naively given by $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$. However, in 2015 we learned that the bispectrum can actually be estimated in $\mathcal{O}(N\ln N)$ using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). For the rest of this post I will only consider FFT based estimators for the bispectrum.The first FFT-based bispectrum estimator has been proposed by Roman Scoccimarro (Roman Scoccimarro 2015) and it looks like this
B^m_{\ell}(k_1, k_2, k_3) = \frac{(2\ell + 1)}{N^T_{123}} \prod^3_{i=1} \int_{k_i} d^3 q_i \delta_{123}\delta_{\ell}(q_1)\delta_0(q_2)\delta_0(q_3).
\]This estimator is based on the approach suggested in Scoccimarro (2015) and Bianchi et al. (2015), which calculates the $\delta_{\ell}(q_1)$ using FFTs.
However, there is a fundamental issue with this estimator. Any Fourier-space quantity like the power spectrum or bispectrum needs to account for the survey window function. For example, the power spectrum we measure in a galaxy survey is given by
P^{\rm conv}(\vec{k}) = \int d\vec{k}P^{\rm true}(\vec{k})W^2(\vec{k} - \vec{k}'),
\]where $W(\vec{k})$ represents the survey window function. The window function basically refers to the power spectrum one would measure with a completely random distribution of points within a certain geometric configuration. Even if all galaxies in our galaxy survey were at completely random positions, we would still measure a power spectrum. This power spectrum of random positions is $W(\vec{k})$. So in principle, we know the window function very well, but accounting for it in a power spectrum analysis can be quite tricky.
The approach we take in the power spectrum analysis goes through the following steps:
(1) Fourier transform the power spectrum model
(2) Multiply it by the window function
(3) Fourier transform back into Fourier-space
After we have convolved the power spectrum model with the window function in this way, we can compare it to the power spectrum measurement from the data.
To do the same with the bispectrum we need to define a Hankel transform for the bispectrum. A Hankel transform is a Fourier transform of the ensemble average quantity (bispectrum/power spectrum).
However, a Hankel transform for Roman's bispectrum has not been found yet (and might not exist). This does not mean that there is no way to include the window function in Roman's estimator, it just means that so far no formalism has been published and we found it very hard to find such a formalism. For that reason, we developed a new bispectrum estimator, which has a Hankel relation to its configuration-space equivalent and therefore can include the survey window function effect in the same way as described above for the power spectrum.
P^{\rm conv}(\vec{k}) = \int d\vec{k}P^{\rm true}(\vec{k})W^2(\vec{k} - \vec{k}'),
\]where $W(\vec{k})$ represents the survey window function. The window function basically refers to the power spectrum one would measure with a completely random distribution of points within a certain geometric configuration. Even if all galaxies in our galaxy survey were at completely random positions, we would still measure a power spectrum. This power spectrum of random positions is $W(\vec{k})$. So in principle, we know the window function very well, but accounting for it in a power spectrum analysis can be quite tricky.
The approach we take in the power spectrum analysis goes through the following steps:
(1) Fourier transform the power spectrum model
(2) Multiply it by the window function
(3) Fourier transform back into Fourier-space
After we have convolved the power spectrum model with the window function in this way, we can compare it to the power spectrum measurement from the data.
To do the same with the bispectrum we need to define a Hankel transform for the bispectrum. A Hankel transform is a Fourier transform of the ensemble average quantity (bispectrum/power spectrum).
However, a Hankel transform for Roman's bispectrum has not been found yet (and might not exist). This does not mean that there is no way to include the window function in Roman's estimator, it just means that so far no formalism has been published and we found it very hard to find such a formalism. For that reason, we developed a new bispectrum estimator, which has a Hankel relation to its configuration-space equivalent and therefore can include the survey window function effect in the same way as described above for the power spectrum.
Our new estimator
We use the 3D bispectrum in the form $B(\vec{k}_1, \vec{k}_2, \hat{n})$, where we chose the $\vec{k}_3$ axis as the line-of-sight $\hat{n}$. We now use spherical harmonic expansion in all three vectors\begin{align}
B(\vec{k}_1,\vec{k}_2,\hat{n}) &=& \sum_{\ell_1\ell_2 L} \sum_{m_1m_2M}B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}^{m_1m_2M}(k_1,k_2) y_{\ell_1}^{m_1}(\hat{k}_1) y_{\ell_2}^{m_2}(\hat{k}_2) y_{L}^{M}(\hat{n}),
\end{align}with the coefficients
B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}^{m_1m_2M}(k_1,k_2) &=
N_{\ell_1\ell_2L} \int \frac{d^2\hat{k}_1}{4\pi}\int \frac{d^2\hat{k}_2}{4\pi}\int \frac{d^2\hat{n}}{4\pi} \\
&\times y^{m_1*}_{\ell_1}(\hat{k}_1) y^{m_2*}_{\ell_2}(\hat{k}_2)y^{M*}_{L}(\hat{n}) B(\vec{k}_1,\vec{k}_2,\hat{n}),
\end{align}and the normalized spherical harmonics $y_{\ell}^m = \sqrt{4\pi/(2\ell+1)}\, Y_{\ell}^m$. The step above mapped the 3D bispectrum into the 8 dimensional coefficients $B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}^{m_1m_2M}(k_1,k_2)$. However, as we established above, the bispectrum can be captured with only 5 parameters. We found that the 8 dimensional quantity above can be further compressed into 5 parameters using
B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}(k_1,k_2) &=
H_{\ell_1\ell_2L} \sum_{m_1m_2M} \left( \begin{smallmatrix} \ell_1 & \ell_2 & L \\ m_1 & m_2 & M \end{smallmatrix} \right)
\end{align}where $H_{\ell_1\ell_2L}=\left( \begin{smallmatrix} \ell_1 & \ell_2 & L \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$. This last step assumes statistical isotropy and parity-symmetry as well as homogeneity of the density field.
Properties of our estimator
We found a few interesting properties for this particular decomposition:1. All anisotropies with respect to the line of sight are compressed into one multipole, labeled $L$. These anisotropies are caused by redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski effect, which represent two of the most important observables in cosmology.
2. The shot noise term associated with this decomposition is k dependent. This is rather surprising since for the power spectrum we only have to deal with a constant shot noise (not considering halo exclusion). The non-constant shot noise has very interesting implications, e.g. it does not vanish for the configuration-space quantity (the three-point function).
But the most important point is that for this estimator we can write down a Hankel transform
B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}(k_1,k_2) &= (-i)^{\ell_1+\ell_2}(4\pi)^2 \int dr_1 r_1^2 \int dr_2 r_2^2 \\
&\times j_{\ell_1}(k_1r_1) j_{\ell_2}(k_2r_2) \zeta_{\ell_1\ell_2L}(r_1,r_2) \\
\zeta_{\ell_1\ell_2L}(r_1,r_2) &=
i^{\ell_1+\ell_2}\int \frac{dk_1k_1^2}{2\pi^2} \int \frac{dk_2k_2^2}{2\pi^2} \\
&\times j_{\ell_1}(r_1k_1)j_{\ell_2}(r_2k_2)B_{\ell_1\ell_2L}(k_1,k_2),
\end{align}which allows us to apply the window function to any bispectrum model before comparing it to the measurement, just as outlined above for the power spectrum. The window function effects are shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2: This plot shows the impact of the survey window function onto the bispectrum multipoles. Compare the black dashed line, which shows the measurement of the bispectrum in periodic box simulations with the grey shaded region, which shows the measurement of the bispectrum in lightcones, following the geometry of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, North Galactic Cap. You can see that there is a suppression of power on almost all scales, due to the window function. The red dashed line and red solid line show the impact of the window function onto a second order perturbation theory model using our window function formalism. You can see that we can reproduce the effect measured in the simulations. |
To summarize, the new bispectrum decomposition outlined in this paper allows us to write down a clear analysis pipeline which self-consistently accounts for the survey window function. The next steps will be to apply this analysis to galaxy survey datasets.
I hope this summary was useful and please let me know if you have any comments/questions in the comment section below.
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